Friday, March 17, 2017

Breast cancer, methylation, demethylation, and hervs

Francis Peyton Rous' Co-carcinogenesis hypothesis: that a virus and a carcinogen together cause cancer. (1966 Nobel prize for HPV work)

My co-carcinogenesis takes his further because carcinogens inhibit polymerases.

What I surmise from his hypothesis:

Cancer occurs because a carcinogen inhibits the viral polymerase better than the human polymerase. When a virus infects the same cell as a carcinogen they interact.  Instead of the virus making what it wants in the host the infected cell is transformed into a cancer cell by the carcinogen. 

Heptachlor is the carcinogen suspect for most breast cancers

Contemplating the major forms of breast cancer:

Both Herv H and Herv K  RNA have been found in breast cancer

Triple Negative 

Hypothesis: triple and basal caused by HPV

HPV triggered demethylation and Herv K / E
HPV uses cannabinoid receptors

HPV in triple negative breast cancer?

Triple negative breast cancer grows very fast and aggressively.

Triple negative breast cancer and demethylation?

basal breast cancer and herv k

Basal breast cancer and triple negative breast...are they the same or different?

note that in cervical cancer (an hpv cancer) the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors decreased

Estrogen positive

Methylation was found higher in estrogen positive breast cancer

Hypothesis: estrogen positive breast cancers are triggered by herpes viruses

CMV or EBV triggered methylation and Herv H / W ?
herpes viruses use the estrogen receptors to infect so this form is the estrogen receptor positive form of  breast cancer

Estrogen positive breast cancer grows slower and I suspect the the CMV form is linked to the progesterone receptors since patients with CMV experience low levels of progesterone as part of the infection.  (EBV would be using the alpha estrogen receptor...CMV must be using an estrogen like or even the progesterone receptor)

While the hypermethylation group of ovarian and breast cancer involves the BRCA gene (about 14%)

Does the hypermethylation  caused by the herpes virus family mean that the estrogen positive breast cancer involves the BRCA while triple negative doesn't?

What is BRCA?  These are genes that alter a cancer cell's apoptosis (suicide pathway).

If these genes are turned on by hypermethylation and you are the carrier for the version of the gene that favors cancer cell "rescue" then this form cancer tends to be larger than otherwise seen and can escape the immune system through numbers.

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