Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Kaposi is caused by HHV8 and appears to become spindle shaped with the expression of luteinizing receptors.

How does HHV8 trigger a Kaposi's which is a spindle like cancer?

Spindle cells are the main type of cell in Kaposi

Typically retroviruses like HIV trigger spindle like cancer cells but Kaposi's involves a herpes virus.

HHV8 is found in 95% of kaposi tumors.

HHV8 and Kaposi

HIV appears to use luteinizing receptors.  Theca cells of the ovary express high levels of luteinizing receptors and are spindle like in shape.

HHV8 binds the alpha estrogen receptor

Estrogen alpha receptors have been found to stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone receptors

Luteinizing hormone receptor and Kaposi's sarcoma

During a woman's cycle estrogen rises simultaneously the pituitary starts secreting Luteinizing hormone and these hormones peak together.  Seems possible that high estrogen would stimulate LH receptors in the lymph node.

How many types of estrogen alpha receptors are there?  (does EBV bind a different variation of alpha estrogen receptor than HHV8)

Note that Rous sarcoma, a retrovirus, produces benign tumors and only with the addition of cold tar does it transform into cancer.

HHV8 alone has been linked to Castleman's disease. where the lymph node develops benign tumors.

So what carcinogen is involved? Hemozoin? Benzene? Nitrites ?

Nitrite inhalents, Aids, and Kaposi's

Malaria, Kaposi's sarcoma, and HHV8

Malaria, heme, and Hemozoin (the malaria pigment)

Hemozoin binds heme

Benzene binds heme

Benzene inhibits polymerases

Does Hemozoin inhibit polymerases like Benzene?

"profound" methylation in Kaposi with the HHV8

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