Sunday, July 12, 2015

Enteroviruses and acetylcholine receptors? Guillain Barre and autoimmune cross-targeting?

Enteroviruses...are they like the rabies virus? They are different virus families but the pattern of infection seems similar.

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and the rabies virus

Acute flaccid paralysis involving acetylcholine involves polio, rabies, and botulism toxins.
It seems likely that enteroviruses like d68 and polio use acetylcholine receptors.

enterovirus are known to bind scarb2...what is this receptor?

Are Scarb 2 acetylcholine receptors?
Can anyone clarify this for me?

There are 2 types of acetylcholine receptors
Muscarinic are in smooth muscles and peripheral nervous system for slow signal.
Nicotine acetylcholine are between neurons and several types in the brain for fast signals.

Looking at known binding receptors:  Immunoglobulin

The Nicotine acetylcholine structure has immunoglobulin like topology
Does this mean that enterovirus might bind both?

Guillain Barre antibodies interact with the nicotine antibodies
Why would the immune system make antibodies against it? does the virus bind here?

Guillain Barre and acute flaccid where polio virus was confirmed through stool

Guillain barre as a cross-targeting autoimmune disease would be an enterovirus and the Campylobacteria simultaneously infecting the nerves?

Autoimmune cross-targeting hypothesis: a virus marks the inside of a cell while a larger infection marks the outside and the combination triggers autoimmune disease.  The immune system is instructed to destroy both the inside and the outside of the target at the same time.

Guillain barre and Campylobacteria

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