Friday, April 29, 2016

rosacea, herpes, alzheimer's links

Rosacea increases the risk of Alzheimer's

Rosacea is considered a disorder of the innane immune system caused by over dumping of traps by Neutrophils.

Bacterial, mycobacterial, or fungal infections that use modulins trigger TLR2.  Modulins confuse the cytokines which are calling other immune system cells. So when the TLR2 of the immune system sees these's response to to slow the infections movement down in return.

Some how herpes viruses also trigger TLR2

The TLR2 infection net when triggered releases cathelicidins.

The cathelicin in humans is LL-37.  This antimicrobial LL37 acts directly on infections and acts as an alarmin bringing neutrophils to the skin.

ll-37 triggered neutrophils are not there to be infected rather to dump their tiny DNA creating "neutrophil extracellular traps"

 Rosacea triggered by bacterial skin infections is associated with  high levels of catherlicins calling neutrophils and could be the destruction of blood vessels by the formation of these traps.

Herpes viral infections rapidly infect neutrophils. Has TLR2 evolved because of this?

 Estrogen receptors are on neutrophils so do all herpes viruses cause rosacea?

When immune system cells are infected, neutrophils or macrophages for example, THF alpha is released.  TNF alpha mobilizes mast cells,  neutrophils and calls natural killer cells.

Not all herpes viruses cause Alzheimer's. Herpes viruses use estrogen receptors and only the beta-estrogen receptor cycles to the mitochondria.

unproven but suspected:

Alpha-herpes viruses: Herpes simplex 1, herpes simplex 2,  herpes zoster : Estrogen-beta receptors (nerves and uterine tissue)

Beta-herpes viruses: CMV, HHV6, HHV7 :  Estrogen-related receptors (CMV binding confirmed)

Gamma-herpes viruses: EBV, HHV8 : Estrogen-alpha receptors (lymphocytes, breast involved)

Rosacea and herpes (hhv6 hhv7 and zoster)

so it looks as if more than one type of herpes virus can cause rosacea but only the alpha-herpes viruses cycle to the mitochondria possibly causing Alzhiemer's

Alzheimer's as a mitochondrial disease

rosacea and alzheimer's/dementia

previous links between alzheimer's and herpes viruses


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