Thursday, March 24, 2016

rethinking the quorums of mycobacterias: cGMP and GBL

This blog has been focusing on the patterns of diseases. In the process of elucidating autoimmune disease it has become apparent that certain infections maybe involved and the communication they use to talk disrupts the human body.  The microbes' quorum messes up our body's systems.  These quorum signals match some of our own body's signals.

The first leap of faith that you have to realize is that we could have unwanted infections in us that are not severe enough to make us ill but are living off us parasitically.

Xanthomonas normally infect plants like peppers but seem to appear after bone surgeries.  Mycobacterias can be a non tuberculosis type infecting the the skin.

Streptomyces and mycobacteria are similar

Quorum sensing of Streptomyces and mycobacteria!po=35.0679

Summary: there are 2 main quorums :
γ-butyrolactone (GBL) and c-di-GMP 

GBL seems to be the morphololgy/ sexual reproductive quorum while cGMP seems involved the biofilm population size.

I have looked at butyrolactone before with Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and Pituitary tumors because Xanthomonas  uses it as a quorum.  Butyrolactone is quickly converted to GHB then into GABA which would over stimulate the pituitary causing tumors and cause nerves to be targeted.

When the pituitary acts up the levels of plasma calcium would go up and that could explain the calcium deposits found with mycobacteria: frozen shoulder, CPPD, and kidney stones.

cGMP connects mycobacterias to fatty acid liver disease and type 2 diabetes because the glucose transporter uses cGMP and so does the pathway of breaking down fatty acids.

How do we tell streptomyces, xanthomonas, and mycobacteria apart? if they make both quorums? Xanthomonas tend to appear after surgeries, mycobacterias are connected to specific diseases like psoriasis, parkinson's, and crohn's......what is streptomyces connected to? is it rare?

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