Monday, March 14, 2016

Aflatoxin as a carcinogen: is ALS and Asperger's connected?

Hypothesis: Co-carcinogenesis is a virus in the same cell as a carcinogen which acts as a polymerase inhibitor.

The virus opens the DNA of the host but because the viral polymerase has a stronger binding affinity the carcinogen switches from binding the host's polymerase to binding the viral polymerase.

A Cancer stem cell is thus created by  the DNA opened and made eternal by a virus and the host polymerase freed from the carcinogen.

Aflatoxin alone does not cause cancer: it acts with a virus.

aflatoxin can inhibit polymerases

aflatoxin and EPV co-carcinogenesis causing Burkitt's lymphoma

aflatoxin and hepatitis causing heptocellular carcinoma (liver cancer)

Which means that ALS or Asperger's/picks disease patients have higher rates of liver cancer.

Asperger's could be connected to aspergillus. ALS could be connected to  trichophyton concentricum. (which makes an aflatoxin like compound)

My earlier blog looked at aflatoxin's connection to the Tau protein diseases Pick's and ALS. Pick's i connected with Asperger's.  Aflatoxin in addition to inhibiting polymerases binds microtubules.

Could the non alcoholic mallory bodies of asperger's or ALS patients actually be the liver form of tau bodies created by aflatoxin?

Do people with asperger's and ALS have aflatoxin associated cancers in high rates?

asperger's and Burkitt's lymphoma

Lymphoma and ALS

asperger's and lymphoma???'s&f=false

Aflatoxin has also been shown to effect the functioning of the hypothalamus

Seizures seem to be strongly connected to the hypothalamus and cross-targeting there between and infection and enteroviruses

Could the seizures seen in Asperger's be caused by aflatoxin acting on the hypothalamus? Does Aflatoxin replace the in inner or outer infection in the cross-targeting causing the seizure?

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