Friday, June 3, 2016

Acetylcholine receptors, nitrates/nitrites, enteroviruses, and cancer

Logically cells that involve acetylcholine receptors would end up with nitrates and nitrites in them. Have the carcinogen there does not cause cancer until a virus infects the same cell.

Enteroviruses look like they infect using the same acetylcholine receptors

Only when both are there does co-carcinogenesis occur resulting in cancer.

Co-carcinogenesis : Rous' hypothesis requires a virus and a carcinogen together to start cancer.

My co-carcinogenesis takes his further:  Carcinogens inhibit polymerases.

(yes we have been told carcinogens cause DNA damage but I think their ability to inhibit polymerases causes most cancer. The cancers have patterns and are not that chaotic)

Alone a carcinogen would inhibit growth until a virus appears opens up the DNA and modifies the cell to create virus supplies for ever.  The problem is the carcinogen inhibits the viral polymerase better than the human polymerase.  So instead of the virus making what it wants the infected cell is transformed into a cancer cell.

Different carcinogens are absorbed by different areas of the body. The post suggests that nitrates/nitrites are taken up by acetylcholine receptor cells.

sh groups and acetylcholine

nitrates,vascular muscle relaxation and sh groups

acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter

hot dogs and brain tumors in children and pancreatic cancer in adults

Pancreas and acetylcholine receptors

Gastric cancer and nitrates? it is being debated

gastric chief cells and acetylcholine

coxsackie infection blocked by nicotine

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