Friday, June 3, 2016

Carcinogens using receptors to enter cells

Francis Peyton Rous' Co-carcinogenesis hypothesis: that a virus and a carcinogen together cause cancer. (1966 Nobel prize for HPV work) The co-carcinogenesis hypothesis was published in 1944

My co-carcinogenesis takes his further because carcinogens inhibit polymerases.

(yes we have been told carcinogens cause DNA damage but I think their ability to inhibit polymerases causes most cancer. The cancers have patterns, cancer families, and are not that chaotic)

Alone a carcinogen would inhibit growth of the cell until a virus appears opens up the DNA and modifies the cell to create virus supplies for ever.  The problem is the carcinogen inhibits the viral polymerase better than the human polymerase.  So instead of the virus making what it wants the infected cell is transformed into a cancer cell.

Different carcinogens are absorbed by different areas of the body through receptors. Viruses also use receptors.

Estrogen receptors: Benzene/phenols and herpes viruses

Estrogen receptors: heptachlor

Melanocortin receptors/ estrogen receptors:  Organochlorides and flaviviruses/herpes

Acetylcholine receptors: nitrates/nitrites and enteroviruses

Gaba receptors: alcohol

gaba receptors are found in pancreatic as well as nerves

Dopamine receptors: flu virus

dopamine receptors are found in pancreatic cells

I have only matched these carcinogens and viruses through receptors.  I am just suggesting these have a higher likelihood of causing cancer together because they tend to pick the same cells. However a carcinogen and a virus can use different paths to get into the same cell. (they don't have to use the same receptor as I have shown with pancreatic cancer)


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