Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Heterocyclic Amines, cancer, and fire fighters...a co-carcinogenesis hypothesis

Firefighters are probably exposed the most to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.

Heterocyclic amines are from meat cooked at high temperatures.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are from plant matter cooked at high temperatures.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compound:
A compound built from two or more benzene rings. Sources of PAHs include fossil fuels and incomplete combustion of organic matter (in auto engines, incinerators, and even forest fires)." - National Research Council, 1994

Benzenes are carcinogens and inhibit polymerases.

Lung cancer and leukemia from PAH

PAH has caused cancer in animals' lung, stomach, and skin.
Benzene goes into lung cells and migrates to the bone marrow. PAH is probably similar.

Francis Peyton Rous' Co-carcinogenesis hypothesis: that a virus and a carcinogen together cause cancer. (1966 nobel prize)

What I surmise from his hypothesis:

A virus enters a cell through a receptor, opens up and alters host DNA telomeres. The carcinogen with a benzene ring inhibits the virus' polymerase because viral polymerases have stronger binding affinities than the host's.

Cancer cells can make unlimited copies because of the telomere modifications. Co-carcinogenesis requires a virus and a carcinogen to start the cancer. The cancer tumor wears the entry receptor on the surface.

So what viruses infects bone marrow or lung tissue?

Respiratory syncytial virus infects lung, blood, and bone does flaviviruses
We need a vaccine for these viruses to protect our firefighters.

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