Thursday, February 12, 2015

DTP vaccine reactions and 6th disease?

GET VACCINATED.  Vaccines save lives.

Hypothesis: autoimmunity is triggered by the cross-targeting of a virus marking the inside of the cell and an infection marking the outside.  One of each. If autism is autoimmune we can find one of each when it is triggered.

Can DTP vaccines cause autism but only if  a herpes 6 viral infection involved?  This blog is not proven and only for researchers.

Autism and autoimmune antibodies

Pervasive development disorder

Hearing and autism
This form of autism involves the temporal lobe which is the part of the brain involved in hearing.

What is the DTP vaccine for? Which part of the vaccine could be causing the cross-targeting?

A gram positive bacteria which makes a toxic coating that suffocates it's victims

A gram positive bacteria which makes a nerve/brain toxin which causes "lockjaw" etc.

 The whopping cough bacteria is a respiratory infection that can suffocate thus killing infants.

The tentanus vaccine is made up of deactivated tentanus toxins.

The tentanus toxin can act on the temporal lobe of the brain.  This is the region of the brain that one processes hearing. Is this the autoimmune target in this form of autism? are fragments of the toxin making it there and then the antibodies are reacting?

Is it the herpes 6 virus ( Roseola )the culprit for cross-targeting because it replicates in the temporal lobe?

 Some autistic kids have anti-herpes 6 (not just anti-measles are found)

6th disease (herpes 6)
This is what the rash looks like:
Are these the kids that should not get the DTP vaccine ? should the vaccine not be given when this virus is circulating?

Here are cases of autism following herpes encephalitis.

Here is a case of deafness following tentanus vaccine.

Temporal lobe: part of the brain which processes the auditory information (hearing)

How did the herpes get passed the blood brain barrier? Herpes ride the mitochondria of nerves...moving from one nerve ending to another. They not travel in the blood. They seem to travel through the spinal cord?

If that is the case then alzheimer's like symptoms should appear.  App has been found in autistic kids like alzheimer's

Do 2 groups of regressive autism after vaccine exist?

MMR and sutterella (rare bacteria of flood zones) with gluten sensitivity and GI issues

DTP and herpes virus with hearing issues and app plaques

Both are an autoimmune attack caused by the cross-targeting of a bacteria overlapping a virus.

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