Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is this paralysis from the D68 enterovirus due to autoimmune cross-targeting? do the paralyzed kids without asthma have eczema?

A large number of the children who developed paralysis from the D68 entrovirus had asthma. Did the ones who didn't have asthma have eczema?

the D68 virus was not found in the spinal region but are antibodies to the virus there? Is an autoimmune reaction causing the paralysis?

note that a ten your old girl who died had a staph sepsis infection

The virus has not been found in spinal fluid and they are now looking for antibodies to the d68 virus. Other bacterial infections have not been found in the spinal fluid either.

Later a little 4 year old boy went to bed with pink eye and then woke up and died from eye can be caused by staph

Rhode island child dies with a staph sepsis infection on top of the d68 virus

We have seen an overlap of eczema and a different entrovirus in the past:

eczema which I think is staph and the entrovirus called coxsackie

Donald Leung of national jewish has isolated staph from eczema but there which came first seems to be disputable.  staph makes a pigment with egg and milk which seems to correlate with the sensitivity of eczema to those allergens.  Highly suspicious to me.

Could a similar overlap be occurring with D68?
Could the paralysis be an autoimmune reaction from cross-targeting of these infections on the nervous system?

Autoimmune cross-targeting hypothesis: that the layering of 2 infections on one target confuses the immune system into autoimmune attack.  A viral infection marks the inside and something marks the outside of the nerves like the staph.

Note that on previous posts I had MS associated with the chickenpox virus which travels in nerves with mycobacterias or staph....  either one marking the outside of the nerves. Different autoimmune diseases because of the difference in viruses??????  Is this paralysis from D68 autoimmune?

the MRI of several children showed gray matter inflammation along the spinal cord which could be a bacterial or is it the d68 infection????...staph?????  

spinal infection and staph

Extra notes:  Polio which is a similar enterovirus does not cause paralysis in every person infected. In fact most people do not develop paralysis....less than one percent do.   those who do get paralysis have a 50% chance to develop a post-polio syndrome which appears to be autoimmune in nature.  Does this mean that polio paralysis functions in a similar manner? striking paralysis only in those with a staph infection at the same time?

Hopkin's syndrome
this autoimmune disease needs be looked at again and compared to what we are seeing

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