Friday, April 4, 2014

Autoimmune cross-targeting in Goodpasture's syndrome?

Is Good pastures syndrome caused by cross-targeting?

The cross-targeting hypothesis is when 2 infections cause the immune system to target the same organ.  An outer infection and then a viral inner infection. Can we find 2 infections linked and do they indicate the same target?

tuberculosis and good pasture's syndrome;year=2013;volume=24;issue=4;spage=783;epage=788;aulast=Kashif

mycoplasmas as RA and good pasture's;year=2012;volume=22;issue=1;spage=45;epage=47;aulast=Sharma;type=0

fluA virus and good pasture's
influenza A is similar to the Spanish flu
how often does this flu infect the kidney?

Spanish flu and good pasture's 
Note that Goodpasture's name was associated with the disease because he found that the disease could still exist with only the viral infection present and that this puzzled him....he had proven other viral infections caused disease but this one was a puzzle. The virus did not always cause the disease alone yet could be found alone....we now know that it is autoimmune.

Do these viral infections replicate in the kidney? (swine flu has been found in people's pancreas and could be a trigger for type 1 diabetes)

Kidney and fluA

not sure how Rhabdomyolysis will fit together with this:

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