Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lupus: mycoplasmas were linked to RA in 1974. Could lupus be cross-targeting autoimmunity with mycoplasmas andepstein barr virus? (mono)


30% have photo sensitivity
We know from genetic Heme disorders that excess porphyrins cause photosensitivity. So is something happening to the red blood cells?
81 % have fatigue with anemia
This would support the notion that somehow Lupus is a blood autoimmune disease. 

Epstein barr virus, aka mono, has been associated with Lupus. EBV infects the B cells of the immune system.  If you consider my cross targeting theory of autoimmunity we need to find the culprit that created the antibodies that started the immune system looking at the B cells.

B cells are not red blood cells but both of these are in the bloodstream.  I would think that we are looking at some kind of bacterial blood infection which is consuming the cells of the blood stream indiscriminately, red and white cells.

Lupus with antibodies against red blood cells

Could blood infections in Lupus be the initial instigator?  Which is then triggered by mono compromising the immune system by making it attack itself to a degree? Going everywhere blood goes.

Looking at mycoplasmas.

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