Saturday, March 16, 2013

Autoimmune Schizophrenia


Here are the references and thoughts I have on Schizophrenia.

First schizophrenia can be autoimmune in that antibodies generated against the NMDA receptor of the brain can cause Hallucinations

ref: Antibody mediated encephalitis: a treatable cause of schizophrenia
British Journal of Psychiatry 2012

The bacteria infection T. gondii can be linked to the NMDA receptor through pan/apple domains.

 T. gonii has pan/apple on it. 

ref: A novel pan/apple domain containing protein for Toxoplasma gondii: characterization and receptor indentification 

Schizophrenia has T. gondi antibodies

ref: Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in patients with Schizophrenia.
schizophrenia bulletin vol 33 no 3 pp 729-736

In our body when blood clots are degraded, plasminogen which has the PAN sequence in  it, is activated by tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)

t-PA binds not just plasminogen but the NMDA receptor.   Does this mean the NMDA receptor has a PAN/apple domain?

ref: t-PA is a new ligand of NMDA receptor
JBC papers Sept 23. 2004

If antibodies develop against T.gondii included the pan/apple domain does this mean the antibodies might also bind the NMDA receptor? 

Now I can apply my autoimmune hypothesis to it.  A dimorphic infection triggers an autoantibody precursor stage which then progresses into the the disease following a viral infection cross targeting event.

The strain ME49 of T.gondi contains more then one morphology. Both spherical vesicles and tubular elements are found.

The change in morphology might be just like e.coli using LON.  T.gondii apears to trigger a gluten response.

ref: Anti-gluten immune response following toxoplasma gondii infection in mice.
PLo S Nov 29 2012 , 7 (11)e50991

Schizophrenia has been associated with gluten and casein

ref. The gluten connection: the association between schizophrenia and celiac disease.
Acta Psychiatr Scand 2006 Feb: 113(2): 82-90

ref: Specific IgA antibody increases in Schizophrenia
1995 society of biological psychiatry 

So we have the bacteria creating the antibodies where the immune system is looking at the receptor but then we need the cross-targeting virus. The virus would infect the nerves bearing these receptors thus causing the immune system to have verification of the neuron, brain cell, as an issue...cross targeting would push one into attacking one's self. 

Retroviruses were linked to schizophrenia patients in 2001in Germany.  An example of a retroviruses is the Borna virus...a virus which infects the central nervous system. 

Only then would the autoimmune form of schizophrenia develop...but this is a hypothesis and this is just something to consider. It is not proven.

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