Friday, June 14, 2013

Addison's Disease : is it a 3 stage autoimmune disorder?

The autoimmune hypothesis typically is 2 stages:  an infection creates the build up of antibodies through morphology switching  followed by a viral infection which causes cross-targeting triggering the autoimmune disease.

This particular autoimmune disease requires more then the genetic susceptibility to infection followed by cross targeting.  It is known to have the recessive gene AIRE associated with it.  AIRE is an "Auto-Immune-REgulator" gene.

This makes some sense because Addison's disease is not common but the culprits Candida and Hepatitis I am considering are rather common.

Stage one infection Candida
 (some have AIRE gene also)

Stage two infection Hepatitis
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B

Stage 3  The autoimmune chases the virus to more organs

Hepatitis can spread to multiple organs. Perhaps in Addison's disease the autoimmune trigger started somewhere else, cross-targeting at the pancreas for example causing Type 1 diabetes.  The AIRE gene however makes cross-targeting unnecessary at the later targets....for the adrenal glands all you would need would be the virus.  If this is true then Addison's is never the first autoimmune disease to develop rather it is an echo...of another.  Possible?  

Addison's disease HLA-B8 HLA-DR3

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