Friday, August 30, 2013

alpha-synuclein and parkinson's

If...and that is a huge if...parkinson's has mycobacterias as part of the causation then how do we end up with alpha-synuclein plaques?

(Parkinson's could be cross-targeting of mycobaterias and avian flu)

We know that Mycobacterias use/eat glutamate and it is routinely used as a component of growth plates.

What if....syn which is involved with the vesicles and secretions of Glutamate by neurons is precipitating in parkinson's disease thus forming the signature synuclein plaques because the demand for glutamate  has increased? more transport vesicles moving the glutamate....extra synuclein proteins...neurons  stuck in secretion mode.

Alpha-synuclein is increased in Parkinson's verse Alzheimer's 

Over expression of synuclein in mice looks like Parkinson's

The amount of glutamate does appear to be increased in Parkinson's disease patients.

They say that Rifampicin which is a antibiotic against mycobacterias interferes with synuclein  expression by interfering with the synthesis of could be helping parkinson's patients more then we realize.....if mycobacterias are instigators of the disease itself.

This could be too far fetched to be real.....but if mycobacterias are in the brain are they attached to the neurons? is it the immune system attacking the nerves?

 Alcoholics have increased synuclein and they do not have parkinson's but can have parkinson's like symptoms. Alcohol causes an increase in GABA release and a decrease of glutamate.  which means the issue is not so much glutamate but synuclein...which is part of the release vesicle.

(glutamate is the green light stimulation transmitter while the GABA is the red light calming nerves)

Not all alcoholics have parkinson's features. Not all mycobacteria infected people have parkinson' it still comes down to our own immune system cross-targeting.

The avian flu under suspicion as a Parkinson's trigger increases the expression of synuclein.  Proving that the virus was in the neurons involved. 

Imagine the outside of the brain cell clutched by a mycobacteria and the inside infected by the flu...even after the infections are gone the immune system has cross-targeted the nerves..the ones with extra synuclein.

Is parkinson's a state where the immune system  does not stop with the infection but continues because of the autoimmune cross-targeting...stuck in a state of inflammation?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

immune myelitis after hepatitis B vaccine

The hypothesis up until now has been that autoimmune attack is triggered by the cross-targeting of an infection like a bacteria/fungus then a viral infection.

Anti-insulin marking the pancreas then the flu virus infecting and replicating there causing the immune system to attack the pancreas and causing type 1 diabetes (just one example)

It is baffling then to read that after a hepatitis B vaccine that some kids develop myelitis which is a swelling of the spinal cord.

Hepatitis B is an infection of genital secretions, the blood, the bloods filter the liver....liquid based cells.  How does it cause antibodies to the central nervous system?

The only cross over I can fathom is one between Herpes HSV-2 and Hepatitis B as sexually transmitted diseases of the genitals. Here the location is the same and the immune system could get confused if the infections coexisted.

Then later when a hepatitis B vaccine is received the body would look not just for hepatitis but for herpes.....

note that it is not the vaccine that causes autoimmunity but the virus piece itself in the vaccine and the industry has pulled any vaccine that has reactions....the true trigger is the virus. I  advocate vaccinations.

The chicken pox virus aka vericella zoster virus incubates in the spinal cord.  The varicella zoster virus is the human herpes virus 3 based on homology.  To our immune system it is a herpes virus

Hypothesis:  If there is a history of genital herpes and hepatitis in the mother....and the child has had chickenpox (not the vaccine the actual disease)....then and only then could hepatitis vaccine could trigger myelitis in the child.

Antibodies can cross the blood barrier if the zoster virus (chicken pox virus) has already created holes and crossed. 

Possible? CDC will have to check case histories here.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Asperger's, Sjogren's, and Hashimoto's overlap?

Autoimmune Cross-targeting hypothesis:  The immune system triggers autoimmunity because two infections exist on one target.  One viral inside the target and one a fungus or bacteria on the outside of the target.

Candida seems to be the candidate for Sjogren's first infection which creates the first antibodies.  Then Hepatitis C virus or epstein barr seems to be the viruses that are involved in the cross-targeting triggering causing Sjogren's autoimmune attack at the lymphocytes.

 Hepatitis C and eptsein barr infect lymphocytes. Candida infects skin, mouth, eyes, lymph, bones, and joints.  The overlap target looks like the lymphocytes.

While I was researching the cross-targeting of Sjogren's this pattern emerged: Asperger's overlapping  Sjogren's and Hashimoto's.

Mother with Sjogren's, son with Asperger's? Or son had early diagnosis of thyroid disorder?
 Several forums...looking for a CDC study. If I can't find this I will request one.

Sjogren's with Hashimoto's  thyroid

Aspergers's with Hashimoto's thyroid? do they have low TSH causing OCD?
Asperger's have a form of obsessive compulsive disorder but it manifests differently then the tourettes form.

I had associated fungal infections or strep with Hashimoto's with the low Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH possibly triggering repetitive behavior.

Not associated with repetitive OCD behavior but rather ones kidneys is restless leg syndrome.

Restless leg syndrome with Asperger's

Restless leg syndrome with Sjogren's

The restless leg could be because of Kidney issues:
Sjogren has been associated with kidney issues:

So if a patient with Asperger's experiences restless legs is it the kidneys just like sjogren's?
Okay just to be cute I will post this:
(i just went to Italy and Michelangelo is still on my mind)

Candida and type 1 diabetes exists for Sjogren...does type 1 diabetes appear in Asperger's?
Is this one type of Candida in particular that can lead to Asperger's?

Note that Asperger's was first diagnosed in 1944 which is a few years after the start of antibiotics.

Sjogren has IBS, does Asperger's have IBS? Irritable bowel syndrome

Forgive the sketchy outline I am starting with....I will update this as soon as I can.
 This theory also still fits with my earlier asperger's post....sjogren overlaps with type 1 diabetes and Candida.

Vitiligo which is the lack of pigment has been associated with Addison's disease. Addison's disease I associate with Candida, viral, and genetic susceptibility. Here is a website where someone is trying to directly link candida and vitiligo: 

Here is a paper linking sjogren and vitiligo

Candida makes a melanin pigment: 
Thus if the immune system was after candida and could confuse melanin and melanocytes....thus the vitiligo.

  I am bringing this up wondering if pigment issues appear in Asperger's and how much of an overlap exists between albino issues and Asperger's.  Deafness can occur with albino's...can deafness occur from on autoimmune attack on melanin.

I found a personal blog by a mother named Nell with an asperger's child who noticed a huge improvement when her child had gone on Anti-virals.  (vira-stop) Her son Julian had tested for extremely high levels of epstein-barr virus.

Epstien-barr virus is a culprit underconsideration by researchers as an instigator of melanoma...this virus infects melanocytes.  It seems very likely to  me that this could be the cross-targeting that causes Asperger's to be an autoimmune disease.  Candida makes anti-melanin antibodies that focus on melanocytes but our immune system won't attack until a virus also marks is then possible that melanin used in other areas of the the body could be attacked.  Because hearing involves melanin the immune system could cause deafness....some areas of the brain have melanin....but the blood brain barrier must develop a hole....i am not sure how this will develop but at least we have a starting place.

The top most part of the brainstem the mesencephalon is made up of the tectum and the cerebral peduncles. The cerebral peduncles are nerve fibers that carry melanin. Is this area of the brain vulnerable to antibodies or does the blood brain barrier protect it?  Would an autoimmune attack on melanin involve these nerve fibers?  This is the region of the brain for processing the control of eye movements and auditory input.... and quick responses.

As for the cross-targeting Epstein-barr has been known to infect the brainstem region and cause encephalitis.

I have read that asperger's can coexist with dyslexia and that some asperger's kids have coordination issues.  Could this explain what is going on? would immune suppression help? I have them as different groups.

Is Asperger's an autoimmune disease of melanin containing tissue/nerves of the brainstem?  Candida/aspergillus causing antibodies marking the target then the epstein-barr virus infecting the target?

NONE of this could be true..hypothesis...but my imagination can't help but generate possible connections like this for us to look at.  I hope my thoughts help research.